A Note of Thanks

by | Jan 5, 2022 | Market Updates

If you’re looking for a portfolio recap or a market forecast, this ain’t the note to read. My heart is overflowing with gratitude – for family, team, relationships, and the opportunity to be a part of Aptus – I’ve got to share some of that as we bust into the new year.  




We launched Aptus nine years ago – that’s still hard to believe – with an idea of what we’d like to accomplish, and a strong internet connection.   

Over those years we’ve built specific knowledge that cannot be taught except through grinding with advisors and their clients. How? By doing the work. We spent years, time, energy, money…meeting after meeting…doing the work and building the infrastructure. Is talent involved, maybe some. But most of our business has been built doing the things others simply can’t or won’t do. No pride, no ego, eliminate selfishness, and grind.    

Our culture (what I’m most proud of) oozes with the willingness to do the work. It comes from a desire to compete. When you launch a business like ours from Lower Alabama, one of the perks is the gift of being underestimated and the natural motivation that comes with it. Put a bunch of competitive people in a room that are aligned and unified with a specific mission, tell them they are underestimated, and the rest kinda takes care of itself.  Each minute of building is compounding a future benefit of knowledge that turns work into fun and accelerates growth of ideas, productivity, etc. It’s much easier to compete when this is the case.  

This work has allowed us to build real and deep relationships, the bedrock of our business. The value of Aptus to you is not in a presentation, slide deck, tweet, etc. Our value is our ability to show our expertise through our relationship and performance. It’s in our willingness to chop wood and carry water. It’s in our attention to detail.  It is a demonstratable value that builds and fortifies our relationships. We wouldn’t want it any other way. We’ve always said, the world can focus on followers, but we will focus on the work required to build relationships.   


2022 and Beyond 


I could write a novel about what we have planned for 2022, but I’ll try and be brief.  

It should be apparent that I’m thankful for our team. We have some new faces and have plans to continue to build out our expertise to better support your business.   

2022 will bring additional ways to help you win and manage higher end clientele. We’re doubling down on efficient/robust risk mitigation, reviews, tax transitions, as well as our equity sleeve line ups (which had a killer 2021, please be sure to ask us about those).   

We are going to extend our services to include differentiated private deal access as well as family office resources. There’s a lot to unpack there but wanted to drop a teaser in this note.  

We will also begin a rollout of new technology resources that will streamline so much of your day to day and provide deeper access to our bench of resources.   

Finally, what I’m most excited about is rolling out a new service that directly facilitates the growth of your firm. We’ve built, and will continue to build, a network of advisors who are serving clients the right way. There’s synergy to be had within that network and I cannot wait to share more. (hit me directly if you’d like the inside scoop).   

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. We are thankful for you and the trust you’ve placed in Aptus. We will continue to work at earning it daily.  

Here’s to a great 2022! 





Advisory services offered through Aptus Capital Advisors, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Registration does not imply a certain level or skill or training. More information about the advisor, its investment strategies and objectives, is included in the firm’s Form ADV Part 2, which can be obtained, at no charge, by calling (251) 517-7198. Aptus Capital Advisors, LLC is headquartered in Fairhope, Alabama. ACA-2201-5. 

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