Diversifiers vs. Hedges

Diversifiers vs. Hedges

I’m starting with this chart because it matters:    Source: TS Lombard as of March 2023   What you are looking at is the rolling 10-year correlation between stocks and bonds. Correlation is a measure of the relationship or connection between two things. In...
Diversifiers vs. Hedges

Q1 2023 Recap and Chart Book

(Click above for the full update) This is our biggie each quarter, pages of charts and the context to go with them. As always, we think the windshield view is far more relevant than the rearview. But it’s through the rearview that we get a sense of the path...
Diversifiers vs. Hedges

Decision Inputs

Decisions are easier to make if conviction of outcome is high, and/or the tradeoff profile is attractive enough. Even if (you think) you know the outcome of an event, if the tradeoff profile is poor then what? Let’s use a real-time example: Given that it’s the NCAA...
Diversifiers vs. Hedges

It’s the Tails That Worry Us

This month’s note is a carryover from last month’s, where we highlighted the rise of the “set it and forget it” portfolio over the last couple of decades, and the potential issues we see with that mentality. These portfolios are dependent on bonds working. By...
Diversifiers vs. Hedges

Rethinking Allocation

Think Different – Be Different   Day in and day out, our time is spent in the trenches with financial advisors and their end clients. Some are new relationships; some we’ve had the privilege to work with for years. We aim to be a valuable relationship and extend...