The Market in Pictures, September 6

Our team looks at a lot of research throughout each day. A few charts that caught our eye this week, and the way they fit the unfolding puzzle of evidence: Brian: Despite a rough start to the decade, US growth has actually exceeded pre-COVID projections    ...
Enhancing Your Engine (Portfolio Version)

Enhancing Your Engine (Portfolio Version)

We will build on this note in weeks to come. As you’ve probably heard us say, we think it makes sense to equip portfolios with a stronger engine (stocks), using better brakes (hedges) to stay risk-neutral vs. traditional benchmarks. If you’ve heard us speak...
Enhancing Your Engine (Portfolio Version)

A Process to Match the Game

Stroke Play or Match Play   For any non-golfers out there, match play is hole-by-hole scoring. Meaning, you play to win each hole individually. Your score from the prior hole is irrelevant to the next. In stroke play, it’s the cumulative total. Each hole...

Rearview to Windshield, February 2023

January ‘23 Market Recap: The “January Effect” was in full order this past month. The worst performing sectors in 2022 led last month: Consumer Discretionary (+15%) and Communication Services (+14%). Meanwhile, defensive Utilities (-2%) and Staples (-1%) were the only...