Our team looks at a lot of research throughout each day. A few charts that caught our eye this week, and the way they fit the unfolding puzzle of evidence:

Dave: Bigger stocks have been rewarded with higher valuations



Brad: and the dominance of the biggest of the big makes them huge components across commonly used funds



Beckham: that said, those big NASDAQ names have generally earned their leadership positions through consistent growth


Data as of May 2024


Brett: The other side of megacap domination is that very few stocks have been able to keep up with the S&P 500


Source: The Compound Media as of 06.18.2024


Arch: with the divergence between the broader market and the index a historical outlier



Joseph: and only 1998-99 eclipsing the current period for range of dispersion


Data as of 06.14.2024


Brad: We’re finally seeing a higher % of companies achieve strong year-over-year growth


Data as of 06.09.2024


JD: leading to a bit of a catchup in the “Growth” component of “Yield + Growth”



Brian: According to this indicator, risk appetite is returning for public fund buyers


Data as of 06.14.2024


Brett: though it appears that institutions are not at all interested in buying stocks after the rally


Data as of 06.14.2024


John Luke: but we know that sentiment and surveys can be a bit squishy, look here at the difference between what businesses are doing and how they feel


Source: NFIB as of 06.09.2024


John Luke: If you’re wondering whether this is a normal bear market for bonds, it’s not



John Luke: and after all of that we’ve just now reached the point where half of the components have returned to the Fed’s target rate for rising prices


Source: Strategas as of 06.17.2024


Brad: The continuing theme of the past year is the impact of artificial intelligence (AI), with NVDA as the poster child


Source: Goldman Sachs as of June 2024


Joseph: but its contribution to higher power consumption seems pretty clear


Data as of May 2024


 Dave: Wall Street strategists will eventually chase prices higher but they’ve not fully caved yet


Source: Strategas as of 06.17.2024





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