Can Lower Rates Be Disinflationary?

If you ask most people whether increasing the supply of goods over time helps reduce inflation, the overwhelming answer is “yes.” After all, more supply means less scarcity, which should ease price pressures. Similarly, if you ask whether companies are...

Never Go Full Degen

Speedman: In a weird way, I had to sort of just free myself up to believe that it was okay to be stupid or dumb. Lazarus: To be a moron. Speedman: Yeah. Lazarus: To be moronical. Speedman: Exactly, to be a moron. Lazarus: An imbecile. Speedman: Yeah. Lazarus: Like the...
How Do You Define Safe?

How Do You Define Safe?

Brian wrote a recent post that’s relevant to this month’s writeup. It’s worth a few minutes of your time as it provides perspective around how you should think about investing your hard earned money: The Lost Century in Bonds. Volatility is not risk, and the...