Embracing Your Allocation Opportunity

Embracing Your Allocation Opportunity

Two Choices   Let’s assume there’s only two potential investment options. For this exercise we’ll define risk as volatility in return stream, and exposure to large drawdowns…meaning it could be a wild ride where the drag of a volatility tax could come into play:...
Embracing Your Allocation Opportunity

More Stocks. Less Bonds. Better Capture.

The plan was to discuss valuations, but July created the opportunity to revisit two important concepts: Asset Allocation Upside and Downside Capture We wanted to touch on both and their impact to our portfolios.   Asset Allocation   Asset allocation is the...
Embracing Your Allocation Opportunity

Q2 Recap and Chart Book

This is our biggie each quarter, pages of charts and the context to go with them. As always, we think the windshield view is far more relevant than the rearview. But it’s through the rearview that we get a sense of the path traveled to this point, helping to set...
Embracing Your Allocation Opportunity

Convexity is Key

Let’s talk about the last couple weeks in the market and what we are doing about it. Not to provide homework, but if you haven’t read the following links, please do. The positioning of portfolios and the thoughts about our positioning will be much more effective....
Embracing Your Allocation Opportunity

Thinking Well

Thinking well is a superpower. It’s not a character trait that receives much attention, but I’d argue, it’s what matters. All other qualities take a back seat to the ability to think well.  Thinking well is a consequence of deep understanding, and it’s that...