Aptus Musings: Thoughts Around Earnings

Simply put, most market pundits were probably too pessimistic on the future earnings picture in the U.S. – at least for this quarter. I believe that corporate earnings surprised a lot of people – there was broad-based strength in the Mega-Caps, the most cyclical areas...

The Market in Pictures, August 5

Our team looks at a lot of research throughout each day. A few charts that caught our eye this week, and why:   Brad: Earnings continue to be solid for S&P companies, sales even stronger   Source: Strategas as of 08.01.2022   Dave: … that...

Rearview to Windshield, August 2022

Developments Over the Past Month   July 2022 Market Recap: The month of July was driven by better-than-feared earnings, economic data, and falling inflation expectations. The market spent most of June pricing in an earnings Armageddon that has yet to come to...

The Market in Pictures, July 29

Our team looks at a lot of research throughout each day. A few charts that caught our eye this week, and why:   Dave: The start of earnings season was a story of “not bad”, with lower price movement than usual for both hits and misses…   Source:...