A Word From Our Team
As JD likes to say, we’re proud to help advisors serve the lifeblood of financial services clients. While we’re always happy to help manage a $20M household, the majority of our days are spent helping the advisor make sure that their $1M-$5M families are a) positioned properly and b) confident in that positioning.
With stocks and bonds correlating more closely, we think an extra set of eyes can only help advisors help clients. We feel privileged every day, to sit alongside fiduciaries and support their practice in every way possible. Our focus on risk mitigation plays a key role, but we think consistency in and consistency of messaging is equally important to keeping clients confident enough to gain the benefits of long-term investing.
Thank you for visiting our site, and thank you for considering us as your partner. We pride ourselves on relationships and attention to detail…at some point, you’ll connect with just about everyone here so thought you might enjoy meeting the people that chop wood and carry water to support your efforts.
The Aptus Lineup

Enhancing Outcomes
Your job is to help clients meet their goals. Part of that is capturing the compounding power of markets, part is making sure the path matches client expectations. How portfolios get from point A to point B matters.