Rearview to Windshield, November 2023

October ’23 Market Recap: In a part of the year, in which the market tends to witness some seasonal weakness, the S&P notched its first negative three-month performance since 2020. The S&P 500 was down -2.10%. This has been a stressful few months for...

The Market in Pictures, April 14

Our team looks at a lot of research throughout each day. A few charts that caught our eye this week, and the way they fit the unfolding puzzle of evidence:   John Luke: Inflation comps get tougher in the next few months vs. the heart of the 2022 Ukraine spike...

Aptus Musings: Q3 2022 Earnings Preview

When someone says, “It’s football season”, Kentuckians, in their own dialect, instantaneously translate that to “Keeneland is about to open”. Even more exciting this year, the racetrack will be getting an extra weekend of fun with the ’22 Breeders Cup being raced the...