The Market in Pictures, September 9

Our team looks at a lot of research throughout each day. A few charts that caught our eye this week, and how they help fill the puzzle of evidence:   Dave: Traditional diversification has not helped most portfolios in 2022     Source: PSC as of 09.06...

Rearview to Windshield, September 2022

Developments Over the Past Month   As the summer comes to a close, it’s worth looking back to Memorial Day for perspective.  Equities have been largely flattish and extremely volatile since late May, credit spreads have been flattish, bond yields have trended...

The Market in Pictures, September 2

Our team looks at a lot of research throughout each day. A few charts that caught our eye this week, and how they help fill the puzzle of evidence:   Dave: The first half of 2022 mostly driven by Fed hikes, but 2nd half looks like an earnings story…   Data...

Quantitative Tightening is Here

The balance sheets of global central banks have grown drastically in the last 15 years. The United States balance sheet alone grew from ~$4 trillion to ~$9 trillion over the pace of 2 years during the pandemic. The surge in liquidity has had a drastic effect on...