Aptus Musings: Banking on Deposits

I hope that y’all have not had PTSD 2.0 of the GFC over the last few days. The KBW Regional Banking Index (KRE) is having its worst week since … October 2008. We had to break out the textbooks on my last musing (ERP), so I’ll do my best to keep this as simple as...

Aptus Musings: Equity Risk Premium (ERP)

I’ve fielded a few questions regarding Mike Wilson’s (of Morgan Stanley) recent market commentary. Outside of corporate profitability, i.e., margins driving down future earnings, one of his biggest takes is on the current valuation of the S&P 500. As of 3/7/23,...

Meet the Team : Clay Calhoun

You might have seen our Team Page with our full team lineup, showing us in the office setting, with the usual bios about backgrounds and roles. We wanted to show you who we are outside of the office and share a little about the personalities that make up our team. We...

The Market in Pictures, March 3

Our team looks at a lot of research throughout each day. A few charts that caught our eye this week, and the way they fit the unfolding puzzle of evidence:   Brad: Without a corresponding price drop, the rise in mortgage rates is making it real hard on...

Fleeting Bond Rally

While bonds got off to a fast start this year, February’s returns were almost the mirror image from a total return standpoint. As the chart shows, Bloomberg’s Global Aggregate Index returned -3.32% last month. With data going back to March 1990, this ranks as the...

Rearview to Windshield, March 2023

February ‘23 Market Recap: The January rally suddenly looks distant as equities closed lower for the month, finishing down 5.0% from their early February peak. This has been a confluence of technicals, bond yield increases due to uncomfortably strong economic data in...